Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's Stopping You?

You’ve got the symptoms of C.H.A.O.S. (Can’t Handle All the Overload Syndrome)

 Spending too much money and time replacing items lost to clutter
 A cluttered, crowded space – too many possessions and no storage system
 Mountains of paper and no idea what to do with it
 Wasted time hunting for important documents (paper or electronic)
 Late or missed appointments or meetings
 Crunched time schedules, feeling rushed – never enough time
 Spending too much time on low priority items, not aligned with important goals
 Unfinished projects or tasks which keep resurfacing and cause frustration
 The feeling you are constantly working but never accomplishing anything meaningful
 You aren’t enjoying your life!

Don’t believe the myths. . .

Myth #1: Getting organized is too complex and time consuming.
Fact: It doesn’t have to be! Take baby steps. Consistency on even a small scale will give you momentum, motivation, and results. Start right where you are!

Myth #2: If you’re disorganized in one area; you’re disorganized everywhere.
Fact: No one is disorganized everywhere. The trick is to use the skills where
you are organized to apply to the areas where you aren’t.

Myth #3: Being organized will stifle creativity and spontaneity.
Fact: Wrong! Organization increases your self confidence and adds to your worth and value both at work and in your personal life. It helps you deal proactively instead of reactively with people and situations. You are less distracted and therefore able to be more creative.

Myth #4: You can’t get organized unless you have time to do it all at once.
Fact: Organizing even a tiny area of your space, schedule, or priorities can bring immediate and satisfying results. The point is to just get started.

If you feel shame or embarrassment. . .
Reality: Facing your situation and making a decision to change is the first step to breaking the bondage of clutter. Congratulate yourself – don’t beat yourself up!

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