Sunday, March 29, 2009

How You Create Your Life Fitness Vision

I don’t need to tell you that the only person who can create your big adventure is you. You don’t start any journey without a plan or a road map or itinerary. Otherwise you’ll get lost.

The starting point for the change your want to create is the vision you hold in your mind for your own personal Life Fitness. Every aspect of your life is interconnected – what you own, where you live, how you eat and take care of your body. You won’t (or can’t) deal with your physical wellness if you’re trapped under clutter at home or work.

You start by opening up the space around you – both physically and emotionally – to lighten up your life. My experience showed me a connection between clutter and weight. I don’t have any studies to prove it – but many people who struggle with weight issues also battle with balance in other areas of their life – often in another form of consumption.

I know that I know this isn’t a coincidence! That’s why I’m committed to helping you see that home is the best place to start taking organizational baby steps that WILL create a ripple effect across all the parts of your life.

Start by asking yourself what it is you really want. Life can’t be perfect, but I think we all have our own unique vision of the life we WISH we had. When clutter fills your body or your space it blocks that vision – both literally and figuratively. Asking yourself what you want is a way of looking at things with a fresh eye and taking your beyond your present situation.

So what does your vision look like? Defining it in detail is the jumping off point for deciding what’s of value to you and what you need to let go.
Without the vision change is harder. Good intentions only go so far. I discovered this personally when I tried to make changes in my own life. I’d get up early to work out – for a few days, or a week or even a month. I stopped eating refined white sugar until a low energy day when I absolutely had to have an apple fritter from the local bakery.

We begin with enthusiasm, but the follow through . . . well, you know. It’s a lot easier to leave things the way they are than to take action. I know it only too well. It’s especially true if you’ve tried before and failed.
Guess what? The past doesn’t matter. It will take some time and some thought. The details may be sketchy right now. But you can do it.

And remember – the key here is MOVEMENT. You’ve only got one life. Live well.

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