Sunday, March 29, 2009

Does Getting Organized Improve Your Health? Yes!

Chaos and clutter steal more than your joy – they steal your health. The solution doesn’t lie in counting calories and fat grams or religiously tossing your junk mail instead of letting it pile up on the counter. It’s understanding the relationship of clutter to your life and deciding to get your home and your life under control so you can live healthier.
If your home doesn’t support you physically and emotionally, you can’t adopt a healthy lifestyle. The goal of Life Fitness is to define the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be.
Organization is about control and balance. That’s also a key to healthy living. When your space is organized you feel less stressed and overwhelmed. For instance, an organized kitchen that is well-stocked with healthy, easy to prepare foods facilitates clean eating. You are less likely to reach for a frozen dinner or phone for takeout because you have other choices.
A clutter filled space drains your energy and motivation. It takes more effort to focus and make decisions. If you don’t make those decisions, the world has a way of sneaking in and making them for you. And if your world happens to be made up of too much TV, fast food, sugar and time on the couch – well, you get the point.
When I begin coaching with a client, we don’t start by racing through the house heaving things into the trash. We start by talking about what’s important to them – in their home, their schedule, relationships, and body.
I believe that when you shape your life your body will follow – not the other way around.
Your effectiveness is directly related to your connectedness.
Decluttering your space and your schedule is a major step toward a healthy, energized life.
I’ll leave you with my tips to live by:
• Break decluttering into small, manageable tasks.
• Decide to make it a way of life, otherwise the clutter will crawl right back and multiply.
• Use decluttering to teach you how to verbalize what’s important to you and to make choices based on your priorities.
• Rejoice over every space in your home where you’ve conquered clutter. It will motivate and inspire you.

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