Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sweat Out the Tough Times!

My prescription for these tough economic times is to strap on your running shoes, pick up some hand weights and work it out! These uncertain times have ramped up everyone's stress level - including mine! And while you can be tempted to become immobilized on the couch, fence, or whatever - you need to do exactly the opposite.

In fact there is no better time than right now to focus your energy on your body and on you - be selfish! I find my mental clarity shoots up several notches after I get those endorphins pumping through my blood. Right now I'm depending on working out to keep me sane. The uncertainty of the economy, business dropping off and the need to be ever more creative and focused place more demands on me than ever. For a while I started feeling like a worm on a hook, wriggling first one way and then another - but still stuck!

That's when I realized that life is simply sometimes just tough. You can't change it, but you don't have to be overwhelmed or defeated by it. Emotional and mental pain can do a number on your health - it will leave you without passion, motivation or confidence. That's why taking care of your health - eating supportively and working out regularly is SO IMPORTANT. It shows us that we do have control over our choices and outcomes. It's a powerful reminder that we can contribute in a constructive way to our own well being.

I believe you feel the most alone and overwhelmed in life when you're no longer participating in something meaningful. What these tough times are teaching me is that I am building a stronger, more confident me! When my lungs are screaming as I run an 8 minute mile, I'm not thinking about the negative and messy parts of my life. I'm building my self confidence and my self esteem. It's a commitment I make every day to keeping passion in my life.

Now it's more important than ever to keep moving! Get off the couch and give yourself the attention and care you deserve. I'm right here to help if you need me.

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