Sunday, July 6, 2008

Finished Number 2!

My friend Elaine and I ran our second 1/2 marathon last Sunday. Unlike the Seattle Marathon, this one was tough. We definitely didn't have as much fun as our Thanksgiving run. The hills were much steeper than they looked on the virtual tour and the weather was hotter than predicted. It took me almost 5 miles just to settle in, waiting for the adrenaline rush that never came. The hills came at us one right after the other, so we never had time to recover. Thanks again to the kind neighborhood folks who sprayed us with their garden hoses as we ran up those never ending hills!

The good news is despite the hills and heat, we came in only slightly over our last race time - just over 2 hours. We're in the process of deciding whether to train for the full marathon in November or just race more competitively in the 1/2. I'd love to start a training program for first time 1/2 marathoners.

It's a great gift we give to ourselves twice a year - running our race and keeping on going!

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