Thursday, December 4, 2008

Are You in a Holding Pattern?

I wonder if this holiday season you’re feeling, as I have, a little like a cruise ship in a holding pattern? Cruise ships book their schedule prior to sailing. For example, if you’re on a 4 day cruise, you’re out for 4 days. The ship won’t sail into port any earlier. If it nears its destination ahead of schedule it will slow down or even stop, and stay in this holding pattern until it’s scheduled arrival time.

Sometimes life feels like that. Things might have slowed down for your business due to the economy. You might have a health concern, a financial crisis or loss of a job that’s stopped you in your tracks. Or maybe you’re so overwhelmed with life’s responsibility that you like you’re moving slower and slower until you grind to a halt for no apparent reason at all. But like the cruise ship, it’s only temporary. You do have a purpose and a destination.

Don’t get distracted by your circumstances, by the media’s dire predictions, or your financial situation. Put on your “spirit” binoculars and look ahead. The lights of the port are in front of you. You’re in a holding pattern, but that’s all it is – soon you’ll be moving again. Holding patterns are useful for helping you bring things back into perspective. They help you refocus your priorities. I spent a lot of time resisting my holding pattern, twisting and turning like a worm on a hook until I realized that opportunity was hidden in my adversity.

I took time off, studied nutrition and life management coaching. I researched new ways to make life organization more holistic and even more simple for busy women.
Before you know it, your ship will starts moving again and continue its course. You’ll arrive right on schedule. Don’t be distracted by what’s happening in the physical world. Keep your faith, stay focused, and keep things simple.

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